far along? 37 weeks, wahoo full term!
Total weight gain/loss: about 27 lbs, thee last few weeks are killing me!
Maternity clothes? I think I am going to wear leggings the rest of my pregnancy, they are way more comfortable!
Stretch marks? Nope, crossing my fingers that I can make it without any till the end!
Best moment this week: We set an induction date! Originally I was suppose to get induced on March 30th but the Doctor realized he couldn't d it that day so we set it for April 2! But he thinks I will have her before then!
Miss anything: I miss being comfortable, it is super hard to get comfy lately! Still have a little bit of rib pain too! I think since she has dropped it isn't as bad!
Movement: Lots and her kicks are getting harder and stronger!
Food cravings: Nope!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, luckily.
Have you started to show yet: Yep, I think I should take this question out because there won't be a time from this point on that this question will ever say no haha!
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: I AM DILATED TO A 4!! The doctor also said she is really, really low! So I am hoping she comes at the end of this week, at 38 weeks just like her brother! But I have been have tons more contractions so maybe even sooner????
Belly Button in or out? Out!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time! Some days I am so over being pregnant and really want to meet her and then other days I get really nervous for labor!
Looking forward to: I think she is coming this week! So.. TO MEET MY BABY GIRL!! :)
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You are beautiful! You are just so amazing with all you do!
ReplyDeleteAhh you're so close! You're honestly the cutest pregnant lady ever. That's awesome that you've dilated so much before labor! I was at a 4 the day before I had my daughter. I ended up having a 4 hour completely natural labor with her. It was wonderful! Good luck! You will do great!!! :)
ReplyDeleteYou always look so gorgeous!!! Where do you get your tops at?! I've seen you got a few at Maurice's...this is our last baby and I just don't want to spend a ton on maternity clothes!! Good luck to you and your family!! Labor will be just fine!!
ReplyDeleteYou look great! Did you ever find anything to help with the rib pain? I am 27 weeks and have excruciating pain in my ribs on the right side. Good luck and blessings to you and your baby girl (from me and mine :)
Randomly found your blogs from Pinterest of all places! LOVE THEM!!!! Good luck in the next few weeks :) My little girl is now 5 months... now I am totally regretting not doing cute weekly pics when I was pregnant!!
ReplyDeleteGood bless!
Where did you get that shirt? You should do a post about where you got all your cute clothes :)
ReplyDeleteI second that!
ReplyDeleteHi, this may be a dumb question, but what kinda of chalk did you use? I bought some color chalk and they don't have the sharp colors like yours! Is it sidewalk chalk?
ReplyDeletei love your top it's awsome and also you look like the actress poppy montgomery so pretty and smiley!
ReplyDeleteBaybeigh is coming! Kayleighlynn Breighlynnzie Ovenmitte Jr. III! (OH-VIN-MITT-UH, it's German)