I completely neglected the blog the past month because I have been
so sick! My first two pregnancies I had barley any morning sickness at
all, so to be sick all day long was something completely new to me. I
think I tried just about every remedy and every prescription but nothing
seemed to work. All I could do was sit in bed and hope that it would
soon fade. Luckily, I can work from home, Laikynn easily entertains
herself, Titan is at school for the majority of the day and Devan was
able to come home early to help with the kids and house! Now that I am
15 weeks the morning sickness is slowly fading. I haven't had a day yet
that I have felt 100% better all day, but at least I am able to get out
of bed and do things for the most part.
FITNESS: I have had a
lot of questions regarding my fitness routine with this pregnancy. When I
found out I was pregnant I was so excited to apply all the knowledge I
have learned over the past few years into training during this
pregnancy. I had plans to continue my workout routine (with a little
less cardio) and continue eating a clean diet (just not as strict as my
prep diet).... Then the my morning all day sickness
kicked in and my plans changed. I could barley get out of bed, so there
was no way I was making it to the gym. And as far as clean eating went, I
couldn't handle meat... there was no way I was going to cook it and I
could barley handle eating it. The only thing that sounded even slightly
good was breads and soup... So my clean eating went right out the
window. Do I beat myself up over this?? Of course not! Clean eating and
working out is a lifestyle and sometimes your plans change and your body
has to adapt. Taking a break from training and eating was what my body
needed. However, I won't use pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever I
want & become lazy.. because those habits are hard to shake. I had a
conversation the other day with a friend, I was telling her that now
that I was starting to feel better I was going to try to start eating
cleaner and making it to the gym. Her response was, "Why? Pregnancy is
like a freebie! You're going to gain weight any way!" Well, I guess I
just have a different point of view.. A big benefit to working out and
eating clean is looking better, 100%, BUT there are also many other
benefits. I love the way I feel when I am doing it and have way more
energy!! I want my baby to grow healthy and strong which means I need to
eat and exercises that way! Also, I think if you stay active during
pregnancy the bonus back is much easier on your body! SO now that I am
feeling better get ready for some fitness posts, tips and ideas! I will
post on this blog & my new IG @mckinli.fitness !
My last
pregnancy I tracked it all with a little questionnaire & the chalk
board! I want to do something like that BUT I don't know what?? Do you
guys have any cute ideas for tracking pregnancy?? If so, let me know!
For now, you can get the questionnaire and a random baby bump photo!
far along? 15 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss? 6lbs, let's be honest. That is NOT the baby.. that's the carbs and lack of gym time!
Maternity Clothes? Most of my jeans no longer fit, but I have become friends with leggings and jeggings!
Stretch marks? Nope, I am drinking water like a horse to avoid them!
Best moment this week: Finally starting to feel slightly better!
Miss anything: Yes! Not feeling nauseous every day.
Movement: I THINK so!
Food cravings: Um depends on the day. For the most part, very
bland food. I usually have a big sweet tooth but with this pregnancy I
rarely eat sugar.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Car rides & the smell of coffee are the worst triggers.
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Nope, better not be for awhile either!!
Belly Button in or out? I have the oddest belly button, it is like half in / half out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Um when I am sick I would say more moody.. cause it just sucks being so sick!!
Looking forward to: Decorating a nursery & buying cute boy stuff (the hunt is ON)!